I had my two sons do sessions of audio-psycho-phonology at the Audio-Vocal Centre in Vésinet during the Christmas holidays; one has just turned 14 and is in the 3rd form and the second will soon be 12 and is in the first form. It was for the second in particular that urgent intervention was needed. Thomas was completely lacking in self-confidence to the point where for a number of years he had become physically ill ; he no longer slept at night, he had sort of anxiety attacks, you could physically see his stomach contracting, he was in great pain and this finished with appalling diarrhoea lasting half the day ; there was no chance of sending him to school and he ended these ordeals completely exhausted. At home he clowned around a lot, but it was only a way of protecting himself that he developed little by little. At school the teachers didn’t hear him. He tried to do the least possible and even at times handed back a blank piece of paper for fear of making a mistake…

At the beginning of December I heard of your sessions from a friend who had had spectacular results on her son.

Over the Christmas holidays I therefore put my sons through the same treatment, 12 days in a row. I didn’t notice any ” miraculous” changes.

And then at the beginning of the January term, little by little the boys changed. They came back from school happy with their day. The second couldn’t believe it himself, he now had his arm raised throughout the lessons, he understood and replied correctly ! The eldest changed also, he had the impression to understand better, learn his lessons much more quickly and be able to recall the facts whenever he wanted. Today the second has practically no more diarrhoea, he wakes up in great shape without complaining of a headache (previously he used to start the day with a paracetamol), he no longer has stomach aches and sleeps much better with a truly ” refreshing ” sleep.

And then just before the February school holidays there were the parent-teacher meetings at school and I was speechless when one of my younger child’s teachers asked me if it was the same boy that I had given back to them at the start of the new term after the Christmas holidays ; they had never seen such a change ; really all said that it was no longer the same boy as the first term ! it was like night and day ; he now participates fully in lessons, replies always correctly to questions and his foreign language teacher said that she was convinced that he was completely inattentive to her lessons in the first term and today she sees that it is no longer the case, in fact he “remembers” everything because he makes none of the faults of grammar that the other boys in the class make.

For the eldest the change is less obvious, but the teachers have all been in agreement in saying that there has been a change. He has increased his average by between 1 to 2 1/2 in the space of a month and a half and all feel something has changed without being really able to define what it is ; he is more sure of himself and feels at greater ease.

I had not told the childrens’ teachers and many of them that I have now spoken to want to know more about the sessions, as they have never seen something like this – and these are not just young teachers… ; they would even be interested in an explanation from Mr & Mrs Waddell who direct the Vésinet’s Audio-Vocal Centre, so as to know more about the sessions and to speak to other parents such as I, who in December what at a loss to know what to do. I truly do not regret having undertaken this ” therapy”, when I see the happiness of my second son and this new ” joie de vivre ” that both my sons now have.

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