My name is Caroline.

As a teenager, I was overcome with anger. I felt as though the exterior world was some sort of predator and I suffered deeply. To help me, my mother insisted that I follow a Tomatis treatment. Ever since, my interior world has changed. After this, I was able to learn how to listen and to change my behaviour so that it could match who I am. I found confidence, I was able to overcome my fears, I got rid of my dyslexia and I started walking along this beautiful path of getting to know oneself.

 I will always thank my mother for not having yielded and for having obliged me to undergo this treatment.

Now as an adult, the tiredness in my listening had come back and I had realised once again that I couldn’t not listen properly. With my children I felt angry, I suffered and did not have the energy to overcome all of our struggles with calm and righteousnes. I had got back to feeling angry, impatient and depressed.

My daughter who is now 16, did not have the energy to face her reality. She suffered so much that she did not find any other way out than to self harm.

My son, now aged 8, goes through difficult situations and this had resulted in his locking himself up in his distress, only expressing the latter through measureless tantrums and an exhausting hyperactivity. Faced with all of this, I took the decision of following Tomatis audio-vocal sessions. We found the courage to invest the necessary time and savings to come to Morgins.

Since then, peace, serenity, listening, and the way to reconstruction have appeared. I got back my interest and passion for my work as well as for the things I stand for. The necessary will and energy to move forward, to create righteous life spaces that mirror who I am, came back. My children have found peace and the strength to face their reality. My daughter was able to find a professional path. Se got back her joy and confidence and was able to start making life choices now respecting herself in making these choices.

We are extremely grateful for all of the benefits that our stays in Morgins have gifted us with. In addition to this extraordinary technique we met a lovely family. They supported us with such truth and humanity that we can only say Thank you to them, for there is no word that would properly express all of our gratitude.


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